Beautiful hand blown glass vase by artist Tegan Empson. My research dates it to the late 90s, possibly part of the frolic series. Tegan Jane Empson – Biography. Born in Perth in 1975, Tegan completed a BA (Art), majoring in Ceramics and Glass from Curtin University in 1995. In 1997 Tegan moved to Adelaide, South Australia to undergo the two year design associateship within the glass studio at JamFactory Craft and Design Centre. From 1999 onwards she established her own practice as a glass designer/maker focusing on limited edition production glass, commissions and work for exhibition. In 2005 Tegan underwent a year of full-time study at the South Australian School of Art within the University of South Australia. This period of intensive research resulted in a Bachelor of Visual Art (Honours 1st class). The work that has continued to develop from this research period has been positively received. Tegan has been an exhibiting artist throughout Australia and overseas – including the UK, USA, Singapore, New Zealand and most recently Shanghai, China. An integral part of Tegan’s creative practice is continuing to supply limited-edition production glass for a small number of select galleries across Australia, whilst also working for fellow glass practitioners working from JamFactory Glass Studio in Adelaide.